Thursday, April 23, 2009

No Band-Wades - No Flying Hawks

Okay NBA Commissioner David Stern, you banned the Band-Wades (Dwayne Wade's Signature Band-aid), now it's time to Ban The Hawk! I can't believe NBA Official Dan Crawford expected the players to play on during a NBA Playoff game with the hawk flying around. Also, at one point when the hawk was sitting on top of the backboard, I recollect one of the NBA officials was going to throw the basketball at the hawk, however I believe it was Jermaine O'Neal of the Miami Heat that helped to prevent that from happening. Is it possible that O'Neal is a golfer and knows the story of Pro golfer Tripp Isenhour that was charged with cruelty to animals for killing a hawk with a golf ball.

Okay Mr. Stern, when the Miami Heat return to Atlanta for game 5, it's time for the NBA to step in and ban the hawk.

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